Euzen Personalised Nutrition

Euzen's 8 week, 3 step Personalised Nutrition programme includes a health and diet assessment, nutrition coaching, nutritional therapy, a comprehensive personalised diet plan and unlimited monthly health tracking. Ongoing support is also available if you need it.
Three Step Programme

Euzen launch offer 33% off

Step 1

Setting Health Goals

1 x 30 mins Nutritional Therapy (Online)


1 x Health, Diet and Goals Report

Step 2

Personalised Diet Design

2 x 1hr Nutritional Therapy (Online)


1 x Dietary Recommendations Report

Step 3

Diet Support

2 x 1hr Nutrition Coaching (Online)

1 x Dietary Strategy Report

now £
Euzen Personalised Nutrition
Take the first step for free!

Step 1: Discover the possibilities

Step 1 is free, and shows you what you can achieve with personalised nutrition. First, you take our health and diet questionnaires.

Then, in a 30-minute consultation, we evaluate your questionnaires and set achievable health goals.

Finally, you get a report that contains an analysis of your health and diet, together with your health goals.

Euzen Ongoing Support
Pay as you book each step

Euzen launch offer 33% off

Once you have completed step one you can either buy the rest of the programme in one go, or pay as you book each step through your Euzen Login.
Service Duration Price
Step 1: Setting Health Goals 30 mins + Report
Step 2: Personalised Diet Design 2 hrs + Report
now £
Step 3: Diet Support 2 hrs + Report
now £
now £
Euzen Ongoing Support
Ongoing Support
If you need ongoing support or an update to your personalised diet plan, you can purchase our services as you need them.
Service Duration Price
One-to-One Nutritional Coaching Sessions 1 hr £85
Nutritional Therapy Sessions 1 hr £85
Personalised Diet Plan (update) £170
Short Nutrition Support Calls 20 Mins £28
Euzen Ongoing Support

Enterprise Programmes

Euzen Enterprise

Euzen Corporate Wellness plans are based on Euzen Personalised Nutrition, and can be tailored to the needs of your organisation.

Euzen Enterprise